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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Programming Job Interview Challenge #13 - Brackets, and Me...

Ok, I've been doing the programming quizzes here and have a solution...

In Perl:

$FILE = "expressions.txt";
open(FILE) or die("Could not open expressions file.");
foreach $OLINE (<FILE>)
if ($LINE =~ m/(^[\]}\)>])|([\[{\(<]$)/)
{ print "bad : $OLINE" }
while ($LINE =~ m/(\[\])|({})|(\(\))|(<>)/)
{ $LINE =~ s/(\[\])|({})|(\(\))|(<>)//g }
$strLen = length($LINE);
if ($strLen > 1)
{ print "bad : $OLINE" }
{ print "good : $OLINE" }

And a C# console app to generate the "sample" strings (i.e. the "expressions.txt" file used above):

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
static void Creator()
Random r = new Random((DateTime.Now.DayOfYear + DateTime.Now.Millisecond) * (DateTime.Now.Second + DateTime.Now.Minute + 1));
string encs = "[{(<>)}]";

string sb = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
sb = "";
bool good = (r.Next(0, 100) > 50) ? true : false;
int strlen = r.Next(1, 21) * 2;
for (int j = 0; j < strlen; j++)
if (!good)
sb = String.Format("{0}{1}", sb, encs[r.Next(0, encs.Length)]);
int p = r.Next(0, encs.Length / 2);
int q = r.Next(0, 3);
if (q == 0)
sb = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", encs[p], sb, encs[encs.Length - p - 1]);
else if (q == 1)
sb = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", sb, encs[p], encs[encs.Length - p - 1]);
sb = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", encs[p], encs[encs.Length - p - 1], sb);
//Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", good, sb.ToString()));

I couldn't spend that much time on this, as I am at work. Ergo, I'm a little disappointed with the Perl, although it was my first Perl program ever!

I'm particularly curious about how I could have done some sort of recursive check. Please give any suggestions to the Perl script that would make it as close to a one-liner regex check.


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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Conway's Game of Life, Java, Smoking, and Me...

Ok, I've done it again. Another Conway's Game of Life, this time in Java:

The source code can be had here. It's called Gola (Game Of Life Applet).

So, I've quit smoking. I started July 6 at 11:27pm (my last cigarette). It is going much better this time.  This is my third time.  The first two times I quit for 2+ years each time.  I know this time is my final one.  Why?  I had a "moment" where I just didn't want them anymore.

That feeling stayed, even after I failed, so I set a quit date, got the patch, got lots of pretzel sticks, and made sure I didn't sit around and drink coffee in the morning.  This is the third day, and I had to stay home today.  I felt like I had the flu and slept until 1:00pm.  I've been a vegetable and sleeping on and off since.  It's 5:33pm now, and I'm finally getting a little energy back.  I wrote a little C# program for watching the "progress" of quitting.  I was going to include the health benefits stages as stages that would appear below the timer, but I slacked.  Here's the code and benefits list.

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Thursday, July 03, 2008

Conway's Game of Life in Javascript, and Me...

Ok, I went and done it...

With my inability to purge my rotting brain of Conway's Game of Life, I have produced none-other than a super double-buffered javascript only Conway's Game of Life!

Hopefully I can sleep now. Below is it in all it's glory. You can get the javascript to run it here.

NOTE: ARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!! Ok, trying to get javascript to run in blogger, but it'll take a little work. Here's so you can see it works

ADDENDUM: In Blogspot, IE doesn't like this script so well, nor does Firefox. I've removed it from the page but you can still see it at the link above.

ADDENDUM REDUX: Well, IE does not like this script at all. Performance is lousy and display is f-ed up. Firefox runs it like a champ.

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